Borobudur temple was the second tourist Object of KKL 2010. We visited it on the Last day before we were on the way to UMK. Visiting Borobudur Temple made our desire be differnt with visiting Malioboro street. In Malioboro street we had desire to do shopping, but here We are faced with a different desire, that is to Respect the History and Our Cultural richness as an Indonesian People. As the part of Teacher Training and Education Faculty we should transfer to our students not only about English, but also the respectness to everything even outside of the lesson. And here, we just realized it.
Borobudur temple is located in Magelang ( Magelang regency ) and quite far from the centre of the Magelang city. Borobudur temple keeps a great history and Legend in its huge shape. In the past, it was one of the Seven Wonders of the world, but now it's not anymore. Not a problem, for Indonesian people, Borobudur is still a Wonder and wonderful.
The Legend began in the Syailendra era, there was a King which Loves a Princess, and the Princess gave the requirement to the King if He wanted to Marry her, He had to make 1.000 Temples in a night, and In a night the King tried to make it by the help of his friends, but finally he failed to make 1.000 Temples on time.
Other Legend said that, In Syailendra era the built of Borobudur temples spent 50 years long. And the architeque was Gunadharma.
Beyond of all Legends and stories about Borobudur, many scientiest and Historists believed that the built of Borobudur temple Had no Correlation with the Romantic story of the King and Princess, but about the Gunadharma scientists believed that the built spent 50 years because of the process was not easy and too heavy to build. The base material of the Borobudur temple is stone, that according to the scientiests are taken from the river near with Borobudur Complex. Then the stones are carved and then sticked each other with special glue or something. The architeque also made the drainage system like holes in each steps and corners with a beautiful statue, because the location of Borobudur in Tropical country, so when the rainy season comes, the water is not a problem.
According to the facts, the Borobudur temple was built at the beginning of the 8th Century, and at the 11th Century the explotion of Merapi mountain broke it and made it covered by the Explotion materials. That's why in Majapahit or Galuh Sunda's Kingdom History there was no Borobudur existence. And then at 1814, Raffles found the Borobudur and after that the observation were done agin and again till the complete shape of Borobudur is found.
The shape of Borobudur temple is almost same with Limas, and it has three grade yards. There are 504 Buddha statues and 400 other little statues. In Borobudur temple we also foud the The Stupas. There three kind of stupa, those are The main stupa ( stupa induk ) only 1 on the top of Borobudur temple, Medium stupa 72 pieces, and little stupa on all over part of Borobudur, they are 1422 pieces. On all the wall side of Borobudur we also find and can see the relief. The relief retells the story and histor about the built of Borobudur, the Peoiple at that time and the kingdom at that time also.
Good experiences to teach us to respect and love the History.
By. ahmad.el.syarif
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