Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

KKL 2010 Report : Air Force Academy

In this field project program, group 6 had a great chance to visit one of institution in Jogjakarta called Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU) Adi Sucipto or Adi Sucipto Air Force Academy. It is located near by Adi Sucipto Airport, on the eastern of Jogjakarta city.

AAU Adi Sucipto is an academy that is under the coordination of Air Force Division of Indonesian National Army (TNI-AU). This academy has an objective to create students or armies that are able to bring their duty as the army of the Country. This academy is fully funded by Indonersian Government, and after the students or Karbol (name of students) graduated from this academy they will continue their career in Institution such as TNI, according to their major ofcourse.

First we entered the campus of the academy, we have been welcomed by a good proverb, said " Tanggap, Tanggon, Trengginas" which means " Intelligence, High Response and Strong". The Campus quite large and the atmosphere was so cool inside. In this academy, we were welcomed by one the Captain of Academy and we were invited to large building for a welcoming Ceremony, the place is called GSM or Gedung Sabang Merauke.

Inside, Captain Handi R.A explained a little about AAU to Us and he was accompanied by three Karbols (name of students).

The first thing is about why the Home base of AAU near with Adi Sucipto airport. The place that is choosed as the Campus or Home base of AAU because it has a connection with the History of Air Force Division of TNI and Sekolah Penerbang Pertama ( the first flight school ) in 1946. And it is also to Give the great honour and rsepect to the Air Force TNI Hero Marsekal Muda TNI ( Komodor Udara ) Adisucipto as the Founder of The first Flight School. And Akademi Angkatan Udara (AAU) Adisucipto name is Officicially used at September 1947.

AAU, according to the Captain's explanation is just same with other kinds of University or Academy. AAU has only the Dilpoma 3 grade (D3), but since this 2010 the AAU will change the program to Strata Grade (S1). Inside, AAU has Curriculum that almost same with a regular Universities or Academy, for example the using of Credit System (SKS), and etc. AAU has three Majors, those Aeronautics, Electronics, and Industrial Management Engineering. The Curriculum is made together between AAU authority and The National Education Department (Depdiknas-Dikti). AAU applies the education for 4 years range time. 3 years as the Karbol Status and 1 year as the Basic Education for Major. And furthermore, the Captain explained that, not all of the graduate will be Pilot, it Dependes on his or their major.

The great thing in AAU is, all financial and cost are funded by Indonesian Government, means that all students are Free of charge during their education time. But, it is possible and make sense because the requirement to enter the academy are quite hard.

The last, AAU has quite complete facilities, Classrooms, Dormitories, Sports centre, Karbol museum and Large area ofcourse. The Captain also invited us to see and enjoy the English Learning process in AAU. The Captain Showed us the Karbol Museum and also the Language laboratory in AAU. It was good laboratory, maybe UMK can adopt the Lab like that one. Not only a lab to help the students to use english well, but there is also English Days during the learning process. Same like in UMK, but there is more active and interactive, because of the Reward and Punishment rules. As we know AAU has a high dicipline learning process.

Beside the all facilities, the one great thing in AAU is DICIPLINE. That the thing that is really difficult for us to apply. Even in the first step of our way to AAU, we have meade a mistake. That's really different with the students inside of AAU. We can see how dicpline the karbols there, on-time and so on. Hopefully after enjoying and visiting the AAU all of us can be better and more dicipline than before.

By. ahmad.el.syarif


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